History and Purpose

Larkspur Community Foundation was created in 2013 by local residents to support projects and activities that sustain Larkspur’s historic  small town character and  enhance  the  community’s  quality of life now and in the future. The Larkspur Community Foundation (LCF) exists to help fulfill our community’s wish list. We raise money from local donors for projects and activities that would otherwise go unfunded, provide a tax deductible alternative for supporting worthy projects and programs the community desires, and build community by connecting volunteers with opportunities to help meet community needs. As a grant making organization, the Foundation invites donors to support community efforts and works in collaboration with civic organizations, nonprofits, local government and schools in Larkspur.


Whether you would like to contribute your money or your time, the Larkspur Community Foundation provides the link to make your contribution meaningful to the community.

The Larkspur Community Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) California public benefit nonprofit corporation.  All donations are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.

What We Do

  • The Foundation  supports  small projects and  cooperates with  other non-profits, schools, and civic organizations in addressing unmet community needs.  Our hope is to encourage residents to identify and tackle projects and opportunities that might not otherwise be addressed.
  • The Foundation acts as a fiscal sponsor for small non-profits and community groups seeking to raise funds for projects and events that otherwise would not qualify for tax-exempt status.  By  allowing donations using our tax-exempt status,  LCF enables such groups to tap a larger universe of donors and enhances their prospects for success. Examples of successful sponsored campaigns have been Heatherwood Park Improvements and Eagle Scout projects. Examples of groups for whom LCF continues to acts as fiscal sponsor include several Neighborhood Response Groups (NRGs) and the Larkspur Disaster Preparedness Group (LDPG), all of which exist to mitigate the effects of a community disaster.  Links for you to donate and grant applications for NRGs and the LDPG can be found on this website.
  • The Foundation acts as a convener and partner for multiple neighborhoods, organizations, and agencies, fostering collaboration that benefits all.

Our Vision

Larkspur Community Foundation exists to enhance the experience of living in Larkspur by funding local projects that build community, beautify our city and enrich the overall quality of life in Larkspur.

The Foundation helps the greater Larkspur community to build a tradition of local philanthropy. By helping local donors to raise money for local needs, we hope to enrich our community now and in the future. The Foundation helps build a stronger community by strengthening volunteer groups, engaging more citizens in community activities and projects, and encouraging leadership development.